Harvard University

Disinformation in a Divided World

A conventional wisdom has emerged since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 that new technologies and their manipulation by foreign actors played a decisive role in his victory and are responsible for the sense of a "post-truth" moment in which disinformation and propaganda thrives.

As part of our Reality Check Series’ Cypress River Advisors will host a series of talks in Japan and Taiwan with Hal Roberts, co-author of Network Propaganda, from Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. These fireside chats will be held at the end of July.

Network Propaganda is the most comprehensive study yet published on media coverage of American presidential politics from the start of the election cycle in April 2015 to the one-year anniversary of the Trump presidency. Analyzing millions of news stories together with Twitter and Facebook shares, broadcast television, and YouTube, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the architecture of contemporary communications. 

Various stakeholders will join us at the talks where we will examine how to diagnose the sources of, and potential solutions for, the perceived global crisis of democratic politics. If you are a regulator, telecom operator, broadcaster, social network or social network platform manager seeking to understand the complexity of the networked propaganda, contact us at inquiries@cypressriveradvisors.com.